Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Take on the Disney/Star Wars Merger

So by now everyone has heard about Disney's $4 Billion purchase of the Lucasfilm empire, and the impending release of a new Star Wars film in 2015. Plenty of jokes like, "I heard millions of nerd voices suddenly cry out in terror and then were suddenly silenced" riddled the Internet, but after letting the news settle for a bit I have a different take then most my age.
Sure, there is no chance that this will be as amazing as the original trilogy, but can it do any more damage than anything else that has already been done? I say no. In fact I say that the latest trilogy wasn't even bad enough to make the experience un-enjoyable. And that is what I am looking forward to, the experience.
When I was in high school our youth group went to the premieres of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings and we loved it. The only thing since then that was worth going to see was Harry Potter, and you didn't know if you could do that safely without a conservative church member getting on your back. Now with the upcoming Hobbit Trilogy, and in a few years a new Star Wars, hope can return for epic midnight movie premiere events. It will be something to share with a new generation, one who will not be as judgemental as mine, and therefore more susceptible to the joy of it all and in turn the excitement that will be building in our community.
To all you nay-sayers I say, "Go ahead and complain", but as for me and my fellow youth workers we will be buying advanced tickets.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited about the new trilogy. Why go into it with fear and expect the worst when you can anticipate the best! I remember those midnight premieres. Great memories with you!
