It's funny for me to look at that title, because in reality, I haven't written anything about voting or this years election at all. It's actually for you, who have undoubtedly seen more than you wanted to online in the last few months (especially late yesterday and this morning).
Last night my wife stayed up late visiting with a friend and around 11:00 we just started seeing a flood of angry posts on Facebook. Amongst them where verbal accusations about both pundits and disappointment with other "Americans". I didn't see much of this after the last election because four years ago Facebook barely had anyone on it that wasn't "college aged", but now with users being extremely varied in ages, the whole atmosphere has become a dodge ball free for all of opinions, especially negative ones.... and most where from Christians.
How was it that 9 out of 10 status' of believers I knew were not only about the election, but where negative in attitude? How did we get suckered into loosing all sense of the gospel we are supposed to be witnesses to?
Thank the LORD that some more sensible things started showing up this morning, like this...
"For anyone upset that I'm not taking the election more seriously, I am profoundly grateful for the rights and liberties we have as American citizens. When it comes to who our President is, I will pray for the man and for those who lead alongside him. But I refuse to put my hope in ANYONE other than Jesus Christ."
That brings me to my encouragement for you today. If you are fed up with what is going on online, go be a light! If you are fed up with how the election turned out, that's fine, but remember your duty as a Christian...
1 Timothy 2:1-3
"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior..."
See you tomorrow light bearers!
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